Jesus said, "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) On this blog site, I will offer a few reflections on the Sunday readings. My prayer is that we be drawn closer to Christ the Truth and to the Freedom He promises us. -- Patrick Fairbanks, S.J.

December 30, 2006
Jesus advanced
before God and man." (Luke 2:52)
Reflection: It seems people grow old just because time passes. You don't have to "do anything" special to age -- kinda like wine. But because we are worth more than aging bottles of wine, we also depend on the gift of God's wisdom and the feeling of ever being "good" in the eyes of God (favor). Yes, we are seen as wise and good before God.
But the Gospel also reminds us that being found favorable in God's eyes MEANS that we also reflect His goodness among others. That is, to really advance in wisdom and favor, we must act our age and treat others with charity and respect. Happy New Year.
December 24, 2006
Blessed Are You
that what was spoken to you by the Lord
would be fulfilled." (Luke 1:45)
Reflection: We watched Polar Express again the other night: me and my sister and her hubby and kids. The message that the main hero receives is "BELIEVE," and his faith is represented by his ability to hear the ringing of a single sleigh bell. In today's Gospel, we hear several examples of people of faith who listen for God's Word: Elizabeth (who heard Mary's greeting), the unborn infant John who hears it too, and Mary who has heard the message of an angel weeks before. God speaks to us all the time.
Whether through music, bells, the voices of loved ones, the wisdom of Scriptures, the message of an angel, or the Good News on Sunday ... God can speak no other sound than "I love you," and tomorrow's feast invites us to listen to the quiet ring of the Lord each day. We BELIEVE his spirit rings through our world in deeds of service and charity.
August 27, 2006
Come to Me
Reflection: We like to think that it is up to us to achieve holiness and "come to God." Jesus reminds us that it is always God's initiative and grace which leads us, feeds us, and ultimately saves us. All we need do is accept that and live accordingly. But the hard part is accepting the Truth that it is not up to US to win God's favor or increase the graces and blessings which freely come from God. Many of Jesus' disciples lost sight of that ... maybe because it seemed too easy (unlike the Jewish law) and so wandered off to listen to ... God knows who or what ... but they didn't accompany Jesus any more.
On our pilgrimage in life, are we also taking over too strongly where God ought to be the one in charge? Can you still hear the daily call of God to "come to me" as Jesus did?
August 06, 2006
Listen to Him
Reflection: Sometimes, when our lives get cloudy, we think that God is either taking the day off or upset with us for some human condition. Nope. His awesome power might seem scary and threatening (like a thunderstorm). But changes in climate can reveal God's care and comfort (especially during the dog-days of hot August).
More important than the transitory clouds are the eternal words of the Father: "despite all the changes, listen to my Beloved." The Divine Word (Jesus) is ever present and His voice ever comforting.
Next time you are overshadowed by fear, Listen!
July 30, 2006
Jesus gave thanks
and distributed them to those who were reclining,
and also as much of the fish as they wanted." (John 6:10-11)
Reflection: So often we are troubled by questions like "How will I make it?" or "What will I do?"
These questions confronted Jesus when it came time to feed a large crowd of hungry people. We are that crowd, and Jesus shows us how to receive all that we want. Give thanks.
Once we recognize where our blessings come from, and what we did to deserve them all ... more comes. Freely. Let us recline (relax) and not worry so much about what WE have to do, but rest assured that God will grant to us all we need and all we want.
As we wait for waht we need, we give good thanks (in Greek: "Eu Charistia" "good graces")
July 16, 2006
Jesus summoned the Twelve.
Reflection: The authority of Jesus appears to us as community. Family, church, and social fabric. The number twelve represents a community of leadership and the unity of the disicples. The numbers "two by two" symbolize our need for each other. No one follows Jesus alone, and no one is saved alone.
Expelling unclean spirits is a community effort.
July 09, 2006
Jesus was not able
Reflection: It's hard to imagine Jesus as incapable or powerless. But that reveals how much power he gets from cooperation with us. He doesn't want to act or live alone (who does?).
Until we believe (in faith) that we are always connected to Him and acting with Him, he just stands by in amazement at how long it takes for us to see Him (and trust His work).
June 25, 2006
They took Jesus with them in the boat
Fidelity to one’s religious tradition means that we trust in the constant care of Jesus Christ, not in the changing motions of the world. Jesus asks, “Why are you terrified?” After prayerfully checking in with God, we do find the wind has ceased and there is great calm.
Now where’s that cushion?
June 23, 2006
They will look upon Him
"They will look upon him whom they have pierced." (John 19:37)
Reflection: This line comes from the gospel reading for Friday, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What does it mean to look upon Jesus whose holy heart is pierced and on fire?
I remember as a child looking upon the face of Jesus in a large framed image of the Sacred Heart which my family had hanging in the upstairs hall. The eyes of Jesus seemed to follow me wherever I stood to look. But below his eyes, his heart was center -- as if to suggest that self-giving love is the centerpoint of human history. Despite the piercing reality of evil and suffering, we are still on fire with love. And this is a love that is poured out to both God and neighbor every day.
One must eventually take his eyes off the framed picture and dare to look also into the eyes of the poor and imprisoned. Only then will the Truth of God's love set people free.
June 18, 2006
This is my body
Reflection: What was Jesus indicating when He said "This is my body?" The bread? His own self? The gathered believers? You?
Yes to all of these.
Next time you gaze upon yourself in the mirror, see how you gain a deeper sense of responsibility and gratitude about your life when you consider that your own body is actually "on loan" from God. Jesus indicates that your baptized body actually participates in His own life and is to be used and directed for His greater glory.
June 13, 2006
They worshipped, but they doubted
Reflection: Sometimes when we pray or practice ritual, we doubt. We wonder: is anyone there? Does this really mean anything? What next? Jesus answers all our doubts by providing a "second step" to prayer. That is: GO.
The Lord is indeed present to us, and is with us always, but we often realize that only after we get up from our prayer space and go out to connect with other people and circumstances in the world.
To what action does God send you today? After you read this reflection, where to next?
June 04, 2006
He showed them his hands ...
Reflection: Was Jesus just a show off? Was he proud of his battle scars? No, he extends peace to his friends right in their midst and presents a physical challenge that peace is more than a nice-sounding word. It requires bodily work.
In what way can your hands and your heart reveal that you too “side” with the kind of peace Jesus exhibits? How will your body work for that self-sacrificing love? Perhaps in a healing touch? Maybe in your listening longer to someone who needs your heart-felt attention? Or should you side with the poor in some way this week?
St. Ignatius Loyola says, “Love is shown more in actions than in words.” Today we ask the Holy Spirit to fill our bodies with the power to make lasting peace as Jesus did … with real and physical confirmation in our bodies.
May 29, 2006
The Lord worked with them
Reflection: It may seem that the Ascension of Jesus was the time when he left us high and dry. Indeed he left us for that higher seat of his, but his ascension is more a call to responsibility. He did not leave us dry, but wet with the waters of the Sacraments (what Mark calls accompanying signs).
Can you see evidence during the past week when you have been kept moist by God's working in your life: maybe a forgiveness, a ray of hope, or something that nourished you - body and soul. It's true, the ascended Lord keeps working with us and continues to show us signs.
This week, let us not look for him up in the sky but "everywhere" dryness is made wet.
May 21, 2006
Love One Another
Reflection: What is it that you need today from our generous God to help you love more perfectly and more freely? Ask the Lord for this gift. Simply still yourself and present your petition with a humble heart.
When will God answer your plea and provide what you need? A person of faith patiently waits and listens for His most personal voice.

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