"And Jesus said, "For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father." As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him." (John 6:65,66)
Reflection: We like to think that it is up to us to achieve holiness and "come to God." Jesus reminds us that it is always God's initiative and grace which leads us, feeds us, and ultimately saves us. All we need do is accept that and live accordingly. But the hard part is accepting the Truth that it is not up to US to win God's favor or increase the graces and blessings which freely come from God. Many of Jesus' disciples lost sight of that ... maybe because it seemed too easy (unlike the Jewish law) and so wandered off to listen to ... God knows who or what ... but they didn't accompany Jesus any more.
On our pilgrimage in life, are we also taking over too strongly where God ought to be the one in charge? Can you still hear the daily call of God to "come to me" as Jesus did?
Jesus said, "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) On this blog site, I will offer a few reflections on the Sunday readings. My prayer is that we be drawn closer to Christ the Truth and to the Freedom He promises us. -- Patrick Fairbanks, S.J.

August 27, 2006
August 06, 2006
Listen to Him
"Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; from the cloud came a voice, 'This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.'" (Mark 9:7)
Reflection: Sometimes, when our lives get cloudy, we think that God is either taking the day off or upset with us for some human condition. Nope. His awesome power might seem scary and threatening (like a thunderstorm). But changes in climate can reveal God's care and comfort (especially during the dog-days of hot August).
More important than the transitory clouds are the eternal words of the Father: "despite all the changes, listen to my Beloved." The Divine Word (Jesus) is ever present and His voice ever comforting.
Next time you are overshadowed by fear, Listen!
Reflection: Sometimes, when our lives get cloudy, we think that God is either taking the day off or upset with us for some human condition. Nope. His awesome power might seem scary and threatening (like a thunderstorm). But changes in climate can reveal God's care and comfort (especially during the dog-days of hot August).
More important than the transitory clouds are the eternal words of the Father: "despite all the changes, listen to my Beloved." The Divine Word (Jesus) is ever present and His voice ever comforting.
Next time you are overshadowed by fear, Listen!
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