January 16, 2021

Stayed With Him

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus said to them, “Come, and you will see.”  So they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with him that day.” (John 1:39)


Sometimes when I meet with people in spiritual conversation, their comments sound like this: “I really want to pray and take time for meditation each day, but I am just so busy.”   It’s true.  When things are hectic and we get hooked on watching cable or rom-coms, then the first thing to go by the wayside is our commitment to prayer.

But witness what happens in this Sunday’s Gospel passage from Mark.  Two disciples are just a bit curious about this Jesus.  They had been traveling with the Baptist, but now a new man.  That whole day they stayed long enough for Jesus to make a real impression on them.  Andrew was so impressed he thought to bring his brother to Jesus and see what good might come from their meeting.

Someone brought you to Jesus too, and you have stayed with him long enough for the Holy Spoirit to settle in your heart.  Try again.

Stay with Jesus this day.  Fight off any distractions, then turn your attention back to Christ.  Stay with Him, and he will certainly change you as he did Andrew and his brother.




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