June 04, 2006

He showed them his hands ...

"Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side." (John 20:19,20)

Reflection: Was Jesus just a show off? Was he proud of his battle scars? No, he extends peace to his friends right in their midst and presents a physical challenge that peace is more than a nice-sounding word. It requires bodily work.

In what way can your hands and your heart reveal that you too “side” with the kind of peace Jesus exhibits? How will your body work for that self-sacrificing love? Perhaps in a healing touch? Maybe in your listening longer to someone who needs your heart-felt attention? Or should you side with the poor in some way this week?

St. Ignatius Loyola says, “Love is shown more in actions than in words.” Today we ask the Holy Spirit to fill our bodies with the power to make lasting peace as Jesus did … with real and physical confirmation in our bodies.

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