June 23, 2006

They will look upon Him

"They will look upon him whom they have pierced." (John 19:37)

Reflection: This line comes from the gospel reading for Friday, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What does it mean to look upon Jesus whose holy heart is pierced and on fire?

I remember as a child looking upon the face of Jesus in a large framed image of the Sacred Heart which my family had hanging in the upstairs hall. The eyes of Jesus seemed to follow me wherever I stood to look. But below his eyes, his heart was center -- as if to suggest that self-giving love is the centerpoint of human history. Despite the piercing reality of evil and suffering, we are still on fire with love. And this is a love that is poured out to both God and neighbor every day.

One must eventually take his eyes off the framed picture and dare to look also into the eyes of the poor and imprisoned. Only then will the Truth of God's love set people free.

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